Friday, February 15, 2008

February 15th

Well this cold is really knocking me out. But I fond some cough syrup that works, and got a good night's sleep thanks to some NyQuil, so today I was actually functioning. It was a busy day, too. My class had their first field trip of the year along with the 1st graders and so Gina and I got to see a play at the Paramount in downtown Aurora. Unfortunately, I didn't get any good pictures of either of us there. In the evening though, was Jack's big county-wide spelling bee. We were kind of surprised that it wasn't just 5th graders, but it was including kids from 4th grade on up to 8th grade...eek! To make matters worse, it seems we did not have the correct list to study from...and while Jack was quite comfortable spelling words like ubiquitous, prerogative, and metamorphosis....there were countless other words that were asked that we had never thought to study like contraband which was the word they asked Jack in the first round. It was such a disappointment, but we are trying to keep our chins up and just start studying all over again for next week's district-wide spelling bee. My picture of the day is Jack introducing himself to the judges at the beginning of the spelling bee.

1 comment:

Gigi said...

He's the best-dressed kid there, anyway! He'll do great at the District Bee. Go Jack! J-A-C-K, Jack!

Auntie Gigi