Friday, March 7, 2008

March 7th

OK so Friday after school we went over to see Auntie Gigi & "the babies" as we like to call them. It was so exciting to spend time with them. Nora gave a gazillion horsie rides to Ben, and loved every minute of it. Will entertained Gina and Carmella. Jack basically just watched TV...but he did get to hold Ella until she squirmed. We had our Pizza Night and got to see Auntie Gigi's culinary skillz with the gluten-free/dairy-free pizza she made for the boys. I'm so glad we don't have those dietary issues in this household, I think we would just starve. :)

After eating, we decided that we should try to get a good photo of all 7 grandkids, because that's the ONLY thing that Grandma wanted for her birthday...well that and a picture of her daughters, but sometimes you don't always get everything you want. is a good example of our attempts. Of the 68 pictures on my digital camera, a total of of them were acceptable. For example, in this picture, you will notice the kids are all looking in different directions, some eyes are closed, a few are red, and oh yeah...Ben's watching TV. It was Wheel of Fortune, so you can hardly blame him, but it was not conducive to photo taking. We also tried to arrange them on the stairs, but they were a bit narrow, and poorly lit. Plus in such close quarters, Ella got a handful of each of the girls hair and slobbered on somebody's hand. Much screaming ensued. It certainly was a memorable activity though!

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