Sunday, April 13, 2008

April 13th

Went a little nuts with the glitter on this one...sorry to whoever the recipient might be (haha, as if I will ever remember to actually use one of these creations of mine!)

This one I used some Pearl-Ex stuff that I was SURE that I just HAD to HAVE several years ago. You can't see it very well in the picture, but the background stamp is kind of shimmery and if you hold it a certain way....well it's probably something you have to actually SEE to understand. Oh, and the Pearl-Ex has returned to it's home in the back of a drawer that doesn't see the light of day very often, and I expect it will stay there for all eternity. :)

1 comment:

angie {the arthur clan} said...

Me, me, me ~ send it to me! :)

How could you even bear to get rid of those beauties. You need to hoard them away somewhere so you can look at them for the rest of your least that's what I do.